Game Localization Solutions
For different games, we customize our service and select professional localization specialists to form a team that matches client needs.
Console Games
Mobile Games
MMO Games
The key to publishing a game and prevent piracy is to publish it simultaneously across all countries with speed. Fast urnarounds are essential to mobile game localization. We leverage our resources around the world to build a strong team with experienced professionals and deliver translations in multiple languages within tight deadlines. Localization quality assurance (LQA) is speeded up by having native speaker reviwers of the target languages.
Before the final delivery, we’ll carry out QA checks to ensure quality, which include:
- Localization Quality Assurance
- Functional Quality Assurance (for example, Hardware Testing)
- Automatic QA to spot sensitive words
- Provide testing services for more than 30 languages
Usually MMO games have a high volume of texts in various contents to translate. Our localization professionals will get immersed in the game before localization process starts
to fully understand the context and ensure consistency.
- Term extraction and real-time updates
- Advanced QA tools (XBENCH) for QA testing
- Use Multi-User Collaboration tools like Omega T, Crowdin, and our own developed system LD.
Usually it is relatively complicated and time-sensitive to localize console games. We match client needs to experts in project management, translation, translation engineering, desktop publishing and testing.
Our services include:
- Marketing Materials Localization
Electronic Sports (Esports) is a sports event in which electronic games reach the level of "competition". It requires mental effort and uses electronic equipment as sports equipment. Esports game localization requires a professional team with field knowledge to work on the game itself, and also texts, subtitles and images. Apart from translation, we also offer transcreation and content optimization services. Our aim is to bring gamers, developers and sponsors together.
- Transcreation and Content Optimization
- A professional, innovative team
- Fast turnarounds
- Desktop publishing